3 design tips that will amplify your infographics

Zaria Johnson
1 min readOct 28, 2019

Regardless of the amount of time and effort you put into your infographic, it could flop it the design fundamentals aren’t applied. Consider these three tips when you’re designing, and check out the videos for more information.

Remember the fundamentals.

The basics of design include line, shape, form, texture and balance. By utilizing these in your design, you can insure your infographic is the most appealing for the audeince.

The design fundamentals are all about learning to appreciate the small things that make up the composition. Try not to ignore the small details when you’re designing.

via GCFLearnFree.org

Think about typography.

The fonts you chose to use in your infographic will have a huge impact on how your infographic is viewed by the audience. You should always think about the message you’re trying to get across, and pick a font that fits it.

“In a way, fonts have their own language. They all have something to say beyond the page. They can come across as casual, neutral, exotic, or graphic,” as said in a YouTube video posted by GCFLearnFree.org.

via GCFLearnFree.org

Keep it simple!

A messy, cluttered design will discourage readers from engaging with your infographic. Avoid the voice in your head telling you to fill space, and give each element of the design more empty space than you’re comfortable with.

via Visme on YouTube

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